The NRA will issue online documents for obligations to the budget

The National Revenue Agency (NAR) will provide online information for private individuals and companies that have obligations to the budget. According to the agency, this will save the printing of more than 1 million documents per year. In this way from NAA they hope to save BGN 7.3 million in 2015.

Annually NAA issues over 1 million certificates of presence or lack of obligations, the majority of which serve for the information of other government bodies (for example, the requirement to enter into a contract for participation in public procurement procedures or the request for credit). Issuance of a paper certificate is associated with at least one visit to the agency's office, and if the taxpayer uses an electronic signature, then he will have to spend at least twice.

The new electronic service is now operational and enables state institutions to obtain the necessary information directly, electronically, from NAA, namely whether a company or a citizen has obligations to the budget.

The software does not specify other details, such as the amount or type of debt, if the company or individual has any, because that information is confidential by law, the press office of NAA.